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Air Corporate Srl with sole shareholder, with registered office in Monza (MB), Via Valosa di sopra 9,

CF 08115820154 - VAT number 02987430234, registered in the Company Register of Monza Brianza Lodi Milano under no. 2607838 ("AC"),
e-mail, is a leading company in the air transport sector and through its website (the "Site") offers its users (collectively, the "Users";
individually, the "User") air transportation services.

The User, before using the AC Services, is invited to carefully read these conditions
general terms of use of the Site. By submitting the form, the User declares to have read and expressly accepts the
present general conditions of use (“General Conditions of Use - CGU”).


1. NAVIGATION – SENDING DATA ............................................ .................................................... ........................ 5
2. SECTIONS OF THE SITE ............................................. .................................................... ........................................6
3. ACTIONS OF USERS ON THE SITE ................................... .................................................... ..................... 6
4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ........................................ .................................................... ........ 7
5. AC'S LIABILITY ............................................. .................................................... .................................8
6. CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTACTS AND COMPLAINTS ............................ .................................................... ........ 8
7. CHANGES TO THE SERVICE OR CHANGES TO THE CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE SITE .................................... ........ ..8
8. APP USE SPECIFICATIONS ............................................. .................................................... ............................9
9. APPLICABLE LAW AND COMPETENT COURT .............................................. .................................................... ...10


1.1Navigation on the site is free. The User can freely navigate and interact on the Site without
register and create your own Personal Account. In any case, they may be requested from time to time
specific consents to the User for the processing of their personal data and/or for the use of cookies or similar
by AC.

1.2Sending the completed form or, if the User has downloaded the application for devices
furniture called the "APP", through the same, implies acceptance of the General Conditions of Carriage,
present on the site.

1.3In any case, AC does not allow underage Users to purchase the Services, pursuant to art. 8 of
Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The data is collected and processed in compliance with European legislation and
national law on the protection of personal data, in particular in compliance with the Regulation (EU)
2016/679 (better known as "GDPR") and Legislative Decree 196/2003, and in compliance with the information on data
personal data that the User is required to read and understand before proceeding with the Registration and that he finds
published in the footer of the Site and constantly updated.

1.4By making purchases through the Site, the User expressly and freely authorizes AC to:

  • receive institutional communications relating to AC or news relating to the sectors in which AC


  • receive communications aimed at the promotion and/or direct sale of similar services a

         quelli già acquistati/fruiti dall 'User, pursuant to art. 130c. 4 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended, at
         l'e-mail indicato on such occasions (so-called "soft spamming"), without prejudice to the User's right to
         opporsi in qualsiasi momento con le methods indicated at the bottom of the communication or by contacting
         il Servizio Clienti al Numero Verde .

1.5The User guarantees that the personal data provided during the procedure for sending the form and/or during the
conclusion of an order, are complete and truthful and undertakes to hold AC harmless and indemnified from
any damage, compensation obligation and/or sanction deriving from and/or in any way connected to the
violation by the User of the rules concerning the order.


2.1The Site is made up of 7 distinct sections, which the User can access through the dedicated buttons
in the header of the Site or in the navigation links on the Site, called:

  • Who we are

  • Certifications

  • Services

  • Blogs

  • Fleet

  • FAQs

  • Gallery

For sending the form, the terms and conditions are contained in the General Conditions of Carriage (CGT).


3.1It is prohibited to use the AC Services:

  • in such a way as to cause, or could cause, interruptions, damages and/or malfunctions to the Services

AC and its functionalities, including, by way of example, the Site or the APP, and/or

  • for purposes not permitted by law, or in any case to commit illegal activities, and/or

  • to cause disturbance, prejudice and/or apprehension to any third party.

Without prejudice to the right to compensation for damages, AC reserves the right to prevent access to the Site
and/or the AC Services, to remove or modify the contents of the Site, in case of violation of the provisions
applicable laws, these General Conditions of Use or other AC policies.

3.2The User undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless AC from any damage deriving from or
however connected with the Contents provided by the same.


4.1All content present and/or made available through the Services such as trademarks, logos or other signs
badges, drawings, photographs, images, text, graphics, sounds, audio files and/or video files, digital downloads,
data collections, software, etc. are the exclusive property of AC and/or legitimately used by it e
are protected by legislation on intellectual and industrial property (the "Materials").


It is strictly forbidden to copy, extract and/or systematically reuse all and/or part of the usable Materials
through the Services. By way of example, it is not permitted to use tools and/or devices of
acquisition or extraction to extract (one or more times) and/or to reuse any substantial part of the
Materials, of any Service, as well as of the Site, without express written consent, as well as it is not allowed
create and/or publish a database that reproduces substantial portions of the Services without express consent
written by AC.

4.2AC is the exclusive owner of the Air Corporate brand, as well as the corresponding distinctive signs therein
including company, trademarks and domain names. The Services and features accessible through those Services
could be protected by one or more patents and/or other exclusive rights owned by AC itself, or
of which in any case AC is the licensee.

For detailed information regarding AC's intellectual and/or industrial property rights, the User may

contact AC at the addresses indicated in the GCU.

4.3AC is the exclusive owner or has the legitimate availability of all intellectual property rights ed
related to the Site, the APP, the software and databases connected to the Site, as well as all rights
of intellectual and industrial property relating to source and object codes, methods, algorithms, al
know-how, to any update of the Site itself, of the APP or of the software that allow it
functioning, including adaptation, translation, transformation and any other improvements and/or
modification, to any preparatory material relating to the Site and to information of any other nature.


It is strictly forbidden to extract, decompile and/or systematically reuse, in whole and/or in part, the Site,
the APP, the software that allows it to function and/or the databases connected to the Site and/or the APP.


AC cannot be held responsible for inactivity of the Site and/or the APP and/or for any delay and/or
non-fulfilment of the obligations established by the GCU, if they derive from unforeseeable circumstances and/or causes of force
higher, except as provided in the CGT.


It is possible to request information, send communications, request assistance or submit complaints,
by contacting Customer Service (“Customer Service”) in the following ways:

  • by email, to the address, or via the form available on the Website;

  • by telephone, on the toll-free number 800800612, active from Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day;

  • by mail, writing to Customer Service – Air Corporate., via Valosa di Sopra 9, 20900 Monza. Service

Customers will do their best to respond to complaints submitted within 5 (five) working days from
receipt of the same or, in any case, in the shortest possible time.


7.1AC reserves the right to modify the Services, other policies or these GCU at any time
time to offer new Services or to comply with legal and regulatory provisions.

7.2The User is invited to download and keep these GCU indicating at the bottom the date and version of the
same at the time of requesting the Services.


8.1The download of the APP and the navigation on the APP are free and are allowed to both Users and individuals
the quality of consumers and to Users who do not have this quality.

8.2However compatible and not expressly waived, the navigation and use of the APP are governed by
the same rules of these GCU.

8.3The APP is available on the Apple Store for IOS devices and on the Google Play Store for devices
Android. For iOS devices, the APP requires iOS 11.0 or above system and is compatible
with iPhone 4S or later devices. For Android devices, the APP requires devices with
an operating system 8.0 or later.

8.4The User declares to be aware and to accept that:

  • the APP is licensed and not sold;

  • the use of the APP by the User takes place under the User's responsibility and risk.

8.5Downloading and accessing the features available on the APP requires a network connection


These GCU are regulated and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Italian Republic e
are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Italian Republic. The exclusive jurisdiction for
any dispute relating to these GCU is the Court of Milan.


AC, however, reminds you that for the purpose of purchasing air transport services, the
provisions of the CGT, with specific reference to the provisions relating to the consumer forum.


Pursuant to articles 1341, c. 2 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the User declares to have read and to specifically accept the
following articles of these GCU: 1.5 (truthfulness of data entered and indemnification), 3 (User Content),
4 (intellectual property rights), 5 (AC responsibility), 7 (service changes), 9 (applicable law
and jurisdiction).

This document is subject to change. Last revised 27 July 2023


Via Valosa di Sopra 9

20900 Monza (MB)

Air Corporate


Via Sommacampagna 63H
37137 Verona (VR)

SHARE CAPITAL: €98,800.00 fully paid    C.C.I.A.A Monza - R.E.A.: MB-2607838

AIR CORPORATE is a registered trademark of Air Corporate Srl. All copyright rights are reserved.

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