For the purposes of these Air Corporate General Conditions of Sale, terms with a capital letter
will have the following meaning:
B.C:Air Corporate Srl a sole shareholder, company, with registered office in
Monza (MB), Via Valosa di sopra 9, Fiscal Code 08115820154 - VAT number
02987430234, registered in the Company Register of Monza Brianza Lodi
Milan at no. 2607838.
User Accounts:personal account owned by the User which allows the latter to
use the transport services specifically indicated in the Conditions
General Terms of Use of the Site;
Aircraft:means any machine intended for the transport of persons by air. The
distinctions of aircraft, according to their technical characteristics e
according to their use, they are established by ENAC with its own regulations and,
however, by the special legislation on the subject.
Animals:small pets accompanying the customer, who can travel in
booth in a suitable container with waterproof bottom e
absorbent, of the maximum measures indicated by AC.
APPS:mobile device application.
Luggage:consists of objects, personal effects and other assets in the possession of the
customer, which the same can wear, use or of which, in any case,
needs for comfort or utility in connection with travel, and that AC does
undertakes to carry together with the customer himself, by way of
ancillary obligation to the contract of carriage of person. It is considered
baggage also the animal following the customer. Except when
otherwise specified, the term Baggage includes both Baggage
in AC's custody and Cabin Baggage, as defined below.
Baggage in AC custody: is the customer's baggage or pet given to AC for custody
Baggage in the cabin:is any baggage or animal accompanying the customer other than the one in
custody to AC, which is then transported to the cabin.
Customer:is any natural person, not part of the flight crew
or cabin size of the flight concerned, carried or to be carried on a
aircraft with the consent of AC, normally against payment
advance payment.
GTC:General Conditions of Carriage.
T&C:General conditions of use of the site.
Consumer:is the customer who has purchased the air transport service.
Convention:means the 1999 Montreal Convention.
Applicable legislation:applicable law means all the rules from time to time
applicable to air transport. These standards form an integral part
of the air carriage contract and are subject to change over time
by the legislative and regulatory body from time to time
Payment receipt:is the document issued by AC, or and/or by other Authorized Representatives, both
it in electronic or paper form, which confirms the conclusion of the
transport contract and legitimizes the use of the service.
Service:means air transportation services provided by AC agreed with
predicting a specific execution date or period.
Deals with:means each individual segment nationally or within the Community
European of a flight.
Vector:is the legal entity that carries out the air transport
ABBREVIATIONS - DEFINITIONS ............................................. .................................................... ................................... 3
ART.1. Validity and scope of application ............................................. .................................................... ................... 7
ART 2. Premises .............................................. .................................................... .................................................... ...... 7
ART 3. Purchasing through the Site ............................................. .................................................... ................................... 8
ART 4. Purchases made through the APP ............................................. .................................................... ........................... 9
ART 5. Contract of carriage - Reservation - Receipt of payment ...................................... ........................... 10
ART 6. Prices .............................................. .................................................... .................................................... ...... 1211
ART 7. Methods of payment ............................................. .................................................... .............................. 1211
ART 8. Acceptance and embarkation of passengers ............................................. .................................................... ............. 1413
ART 9. Refusal and limitations on carriage ............................................. .................................................... ................. 1715
ART 10. Special assistance ............................................. .................................................... ................................... 1816
ART 11. Baggage .............................................. .................................................... .................................................... 2018
ART 12. Obligations in relation to the content of the baggage ........................................ ................................................ 2018
ART 13. Animals on board ............................................. .................................................... ........................................ 2219
ART 14. Delays and postponement of the flight .......................................... .................................................... .............................. 2320
ART 15. Refunds............................................. .................................................... .................................................... 2421
ART 16. Behavior on board ............................................. .................................................... ......................... 2421
ART 17. Administrative formalities ............................................. .................................................... ........................ 2623
ART 18. Limits of liability ............................................. .................................................... ................................ 2825
ART 19. Alternative dispute resolution - Platform for online dispute resolution
(ODR) ............................................. .................................................... .................................................... ................ 2825
ART 20. Modifications and waivers ........................................... .................................................... ................................. 2825
ART 21. Collection and processing of personal data ............................................. .................................................... ... 2926
ART 22. Right of withdrawal ............................................. .................................................... ...................................... 3027
ART.1. Validity and scope of application
1.1 These General Conditions of Carriage (GTC) govern the sale of Transport Services
aircraft provided by AC with its own fleet, through the website www.aircorporate.it by Air
Corporate Srl with sole shareholder, with registered office in Monza (MB), Via Valosa di sopra 9, CF
08115820154 - VAT number 02987430234, registered in the Company Register of Monza Brianza Lodi Milano
at no. 2607838.
1.2The applicable CGT are those in force on the date the purchase order is sent by
of the User and are available in Italian and English. AC reserves the right to
modify the GTC at any time. Any changes and/or new conditions will be effective from
time of their publication on the Site in the section "General Conditions of Carriage" with
indication of version and date of update. Users are therefore invited to
consult the appropriate dedicated section regularly.
ART 2. Premises
2.1The offer and sale of the Services through the Site constitute a regulated distance contract
by Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, no. 70, containing the regulation on electronic commerce and, for Users
who cover the quality of consumers, by Articles 45 et seq. of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 and
subsequent amendments ("Consumer Code").
2.2The language available to Users for the conclusion of the contract is Italian and the language
English. Customer Service is able to communicate with Users in the same language(s).
2.3For anything not expressly regulated by these GTC, the
provisions referred to in the General Conditions of Use of the Site, such as, by way of example and not
exhaustive, the provisions on intellectual property rights, changes to the service,
specifics of use of the APP and navigation on the Site. The GCU therefore form an integral part of the
contract concluded between AC and the User and are considered accepted by the User by sending the order.
AC invites the User to regularly consult the GCU.
ART 3. Purchasing through the Site
3.1The purchase of air transport services through the Site is permitted for both Users and individuals
the quality of consumer pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Consumer Code, and to Users
who do not have this quality, provided they are over the age of 18. In order to verify
the existence of the minimum age required by law, AC reserves the right to request the code
fiscal or other identification document.
If it turns out that the User is under the age of 18, he will be prevented from continuing the purchase process
and the forwarding of the related order. In any case, if for any reason, even of a technical nature,
should the purchase order be sent in any case, it will be immediately resolved
pursuant to art. 1456 of the Civil Code, given your opposition to the General Conditions and/or current legislation.
The User will be promptly informed by email of the cancellation of the order and,
where payment has already been made, AC will refund
of the Total Amount Due, consisting of the purchase price of the Services, and any other
additional cost, with the methods and times indicated in relation to the specific method of
payment used.
3.2The purchase of Services is permitted to the User who holds a User Account, whose method of
creation is available at art. 1 of the GCU. All the regulations apply to purchases made by the User
provisions of these GTC, of the GTC, as well as any other information and policy on the Site,
unless expressly waived.
3.3The Registered User guarantees that the personal information provided during the procedure
registration on the Site are complete and truthful and undertakes to hold AC harmless and indemnified from
any claim, damage, compensation obligation and/or sanction deriving from or in any way connected
to the violation by the User of the rules on registration on the Site or on the conservation of
registration credentials.
3.4AC reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders that come from a User:
with whom it has an ongoing legal dispute;
who has previously violated these GTC and/or the conditions and/or terms of the contract
di acquisto con AC;
who has been involved in fraud of any kind and, in particular, in payment fraud
con carta di credito o altri payment instruments;
who has released false, incomplete or otherwise inaccurate identification data or who has not
abbia inviato tempestivamente ad AC i documents requested by the same in the context of the
procedura di cui all'art . 8.1.1 below or that you have sent invalid documents.
that is not in compliance with the laws and regulations and international provisions, above all
in termini di limitazioni di mobilità , visas, bans, sanctions ……..
ART 4. Purchases made through the APP
4.1The offer and sale of customized and exclusive services is also carried out by AC through
the APP. The offer and sale of Services by AC through the APP apply, as far as
compatible, all the provisions of these General Conditions of Carriage.
4.2The General Conditions are made available to the User, before downloading the APP, on
Google Play Store and Apple Store and, after downloading, in the appropriate section of the APP called
“Legal Information/General Conditions of Carriage”.
4.3To create a User Account by registering with the APP, the User must fill in the appropriate form
form and click on the "REGISTER" button. In the event that the User has already made the
registration on the Site and already have a User Account, will be able to access the services offered by the APP and,
in particular, make purchases through the APP, entering your credentials in the log-in form
of authentication.
4.4Information on the right of withdrawal and, in particular, the Model Instructions on Withdrawal and the Form
Type of Withdrawal, are made available to the User in the APP, before forwarding them
of the purchase order, under the heading "Right of Withdrawal" in the "Legal Information" section,
also accessible from the Service Card via the appropriate link made available to the User.
ART 5. Contract of carriage - Reservation - Receipt of payment
5.1Carriage contract.
The air carriage contract is concluded with the receipt of the Payment Receipt.
5.2.1The purchase of the Services is preceded by the reservation. In that case, AC will record the
reservation made by the customer, giving confirmation, at the request of the customer, with
indication of the booking code. Only the resulting booking will be considered valid
confirmed in the system used by AC to register reservations on its flights.
AC is not liable for damages caused by failure or erroneous registration,
if this is not attributable to AC's willful misconduct or fault. If the Customer does not match the price
of the Service before the expiry of the stipulated term, as specified by AC at the time
of the reservation, AC may cancel the confirmed reservation.
5.2.2At the time of booking, a quote will be generated for the Services requested by the Customer,
inclusive of any taxes and charges imposed by third parties (airport fees and other fees, taxes
or surcharges related to security, and the like).
The transport contract between AC and the Customer will be concluded upon payment. The system
will generate a payment receipt which must be shown at the time of boarding.
5.3Payment receipt.
5.3.1The transport of the Customer can only take place upon presentation of the Receipt of payment in
electronic or paper format. AC may require the passenger to exhibit at any time
the Receipt of payment until the end of the trip.
ART 6. Prices
6.1The price of the Services includes taxes, including the tax on passenger flights pursuant to law no. 134
of 7/8/2012 and all other additional charges and supplements applicable to transport, imposed by law
or requested by government or other competent authorities. Any travel changes
subsequent to the purchase could lead to the request for a supplement.
6.2Taxes and other additional charges are payable in the currency of the country where the Service was
ART 7. Methods of payment
7.1Payment for the Services purchased on the Site can be made by credit card and/or
other payment systems, even temporarily made available on the Site.
7.1.1Payment with credit card
In the case of payment by credit card, at the time of conclusion of the
reservation, no amount will be charged. AC will request the issuing bank to
proceed with the pre-authorization of the Total Amount Due when all the
Payment receipts are available.
Following the pre-authorization, the amount is bound to the User's card, but not
still busy and paid to AC.
AC will issue the payment receipt only after receiving confirmation of the successful completion of the payment
payment. In case the pre-authorization is not successful, AC will send an email
to the User, informing him that the credit card authorization request has not gone through
successful, as well as inviting him to verify the card details entered during the payment phase. TO
following the operation carried out by the User, AC will request a new pre-authorisation and, in
if successful, it will send the User a confirmation email. Where, instead, within 10 days
from receipt of the email, the User does not carry out the aforementioned operation or the new one
pre-authorization was not successful,
the contract will be considered terminated pursuant to art. 1456 of the Civil Code. The contract must be considered perfected
only in the presence of payment made)
AC reserves the right, at any time, to block the purchase functions from the Site by
of defaulting Users, giving advance notice to the User via email.
The Total Amount Due will be handled and, therefore, paid to AC, only at the moment
of the issuance of the Payment Receipt. On the contrary, receipt after payment!!!
In order to ensure the security of payments made on the Site and to prevent any fraud, AC
reserves the right to ask the User, via email, to send, via the same means, a
front / back copy of your identity card and, in case the holder of the order is
other than the holder of the card, of the identity card of the latter. The document will have to
be valid. The deadline by which the
document must reach AC. This term will not, in any case, exceed 5 days
working days from receipt of the request by the User. Waiting for
document requested, the order will be suspended.
In the event that AC does not receive these documents within the deadline specified in the request email
or receives expired or invalid documents, the contract will be considered automatically terminated
pursuant to art. 1456 cc and the order consequently cancelled, except for the right of AC
to compensation for any damage it may incur as a result of the
non-compliant behavior by the User. The resolution of the
contract, of which the User will be notified by email, no later than 5 working days from
expiry of the term for sending the documents requested by AC, will result in the cancellation
of the order, with consequent refund of the Total Amount Due.
AC uses the secure payment service of Bank ______ which involves the use of the protocol
TLS security. Confidential credit card information (card number, holder, date of
expiry, security code) are encrypted and transmitted directly to the payment manager, who
he is solely responsible for it. AC does not memorize the data of the credit card used by the User
for payment of the Services, subject to the last four digits of the credit card used e
its expiration date.
7.2 Billing
In case you need an invoice, consult the BILLING page
ART 8. Acceptance and embarkation of passengers
8.1 Boarding
to)The circumstances under which Customers are accepted and carried on an aircraft may vary
significantly, depending on the place of departure, the type of aircraft and its composition
of the crew, the use of a check-in counter or meeting point, the availability of a
courtesy vehicle and the proximity of the aircraft parked at the terminal exit.
Regardless of the circumstances however, Clients must be brought to the aircraft with
transport approved or escorted by a crew member, an AC-nominated employee or a
representative of the handling agent, as the case may be, from the terminal building
to the aircraft. Customers must show up for boarding at least half an hour before the scheduled time
b)Normally, embarking and disembarking operations must be carried out with the engine stopped.
8.2 Allocation of seats
Seat allocation for passengers depends on the type of aircraft, its seating version,
from the aspects of mass and center of gravity.
The following rules apply:
each child aged 2 years and over to be carried must be assigned a seat
equipped with an appropriate safety belt/harness. For more details and
information see the CHILDREN page.
Multiple occupation of a seat by an adult and a child under
2 years is only permitted if an additional loop belt or other is available
restraint device for each child; if so, each unit must be installed
and available for both adults and children.
No travel restrictions for pregnant women up to 36 weeks of
pregnancy, except for pregnant women planning multiple births,
where travel restrictions start after week 32. For more details and
information see the FUTURE MOTHERS page.
In the event of an emergency evacuation, Clients must:
best assist other Passengers in difficulty;
do not hinder the evacuation.
ART 9. Refusal and limitations on carriage
The Captain may refuse or interrupt the carriage or continuation of the journey of
any Customer and/or his baggage for security reasons, or if:
this is necessary for compliance with the laws, regulations or rules of any State of origin, of
destination or to be flown over, expressly including those relating to the Covid19 pandemic;
this is necessary following a written request from the Authorities of the country of departure or from
transit or destination;
the transport of the Customer and/or of his baggage could endanger the safety, health,
hygiene and good order on board the aircraft;
behaviour, age, physical or mental state of the Client are such as to:
or cause inconvenience or inconvenience or otherwise cause justified complaints by
other customers, or cause risks or dangers to himself or to other people or things;
this is justified due to the Client's failure to observe the instructions provided by AC
relating to safety, compliance with laws or regulations in relation to flight, i.e
the Customer was responsible for illegal or unruly conduct on a previous flight
and there is a risk that such behavior could be repeated;
the Client is not in possession of valid travel documents;
the Customer has destroyed the travel documents during the flight or has refused to show them to the
the Customer has not complied with the requirements set out in these GTC.
ART 10. Special assistance
10.1AC's acceptance for carriage of:
Customers with disabilities and with reduced mobility;
children under the age of 2 and unaccompanied minors;
Clients suffering from illnesses or other Clients requiring special assistance;
pregnant women,
may be subject to limitations in accordance with applicable rules and regulations and is
governed by the following paragraphs and by the specific provisions available on the website of
AC on the "Organize the trip - Special Assistance" page, or communicated by the operators who
they answer the toll-free number.
10.1.1Customers with disabilities and reduced mobility:
the rights of customers with disabilities and reduced mobility are governed by the Regulation (EC)
no. 1107/2006, available at the link http://eurlex.
10.1.2Patients with illnesses
No transport, under any circumstances, will be provided for:
Anyone with a contagious/infectious disease e.g. open tuberculosis, hepatitis
infectious, scarlet fever, diphtheria, chickenpox, etc .;
Anyone who has suffered a heart attack or stroke in the past eight weeks;
Anyone who requires medical treatment from an apparatus that cannot be used
on board in compliance with airworthiness limits (electrical load, weight, etc.) and/or not
can be safely secured on board.
Before accepting such passengers for carriage, the company must have ascertained the
availability throughout the flight of qualified personnel and medical equipment
adapted to their needs.
10.1.3Pregnant women:
no travel restrictions for pregnant Customers up to the 36th week of pregnancy,
except for pregnant Clients expecting multiple births, where the restrictions of
travel begin after the 32nd week. For more details and information, consult the page
AC requires women traveling beyond the seventh month of pregnancy to bring along one
certification from your doctor stating:
the expected expiry date;
that the pregnancy is free from complications:
fitness to travel.
Acceptance for carriage of sick and disabled Customers is restricted in one's own interest
safety and that of other customers. A Person with Reduced Mobility (PRM) is a person whose
mobility is reduced due to physical incapacity (sensory or locomotor), cognitive impairment, age,
illness or any other cause of disability while using the means of transport and whose situation
requires specific attention and adaptation to its needs, of the service made available to
all customers.
“An air carrier, its agent or a tour operator may refuse, on grounds of disability or
reduced mobility, to accept a booking for a person with a disability or for a person a
reduced mobility or to embark it:
to)to comply with the security obligations established by international law,
community or national or the safety obligations established by the authority that has
issued the Air Operators Certificate to the air carrier in question;
b)if the dimensions of the aircraft or its doors make boarding physically impossible
o the transport of the disabled person or person with reduced mobility.” (art 4 REGULATION (EC) n.
ART 11. Baggage
11.1Allowed dimensions and weight of baggage
The baggage must be transported in the baggage compartment and must comply with its limitation. For
more details and information can be found on the dedicated BAGGAGE page on the website. The
commander must inform the Client about the limits and the permitted dimensions and must refuse to
overload the trunk.
Only personal transport, such as handbags, laptop cases and similar carry-on bags, is permitted in
cabin as hand luggage. The crew must evaluate the baggage carried on board and deny
access to baggage in the cabin that pose a serious threat to the safety of passengers in
case of emergency.
During boarding, crew members must perform a visual scan of baggage a
hand held by Customers and, if such baggage exceeds the allowance, politely deny to Customers
access to the aircraft until such baggage has been properly stowed in the hold or
left on the ground.
ART 12. Obligations in relation to the content of the baggage
12.1.In compliance with current laws and regulations on aeronautical safety
and AC regulations, some items cannot be carried in the cabin and/or in the hold or are
subject to limitations and conditions. The description of said objects and the limits and conditions of
transport of hand luggage or baggage handed over to AC can be consulted on the AC website at
"Baggage" page.
12.2The Customer has the right to transport pets only on condition that they are
adequately placed in the appropriate containers, suitable for air transport, indicated by AC. For
more details and information see the “Pets” page.
ART 13. Animals on board
13.1It is the Client's responsibility, before the execution of the flight/s:
inquire about any conditions and/or limitations on the transport and/or entry of animals
domestic with reference to the destination country of your trip,
inquire about any characteristics and/or health conditions of the pet
incompatible with the execution of the flight e
have all the health and administrative documentation necessary for transport
and/or their entry. These documents must be valid at the time
of the execution of the flight/s and for the entire duration of the same/s. The customer is also required
to comply with all the provisions of the countries of transit, departure or arrival, as well as the regulations
and AC instructions.
AC is not responsible for any penalties, losses or expenses and for any further consequences
deriving from failure to ascertain the conditions and/or limitations referred to above and from
lack of possession of the necessary documents and/or failure to comply with the rules and regulations
applicable provisions.
Recognized assistance dogs for the disabled will be transported in the manner indicated
from AC and available on the "Animals" page, for further information call the Number
ART 14. Flight delays and postponements
14.1The times are agreed with the Customer during the process of purchasing the Services.
AC will carry out the transport within the times and in the ways agreed. In any case, the regularity and punctuality of the
flight service are subject to a number of factors independent of AC, such as conditions
weather conditions, airport air traffic restrictions, ATC, strikes, unforeseeable breakdowns and so on.
These factors can determine the variation and, in the most serious hypotheses,
flight rescheduling or cancellation.
Without prejudice to the rules governing the assistance obligations and any liability of AC
in relation to the individual cases that may occur, AC will inform the passengers of the
any flight changes as soon as possible and will do everything in its power to
alleviate the inconvenience of its passengers. The passenger is required to provide AC with contact details, telephone numbers and
e-mail, to which the company will be able to send communications relating to any
flight changes.
14.2If your flight is postponed due to weather conditions or travel restrictions
Traffic AC will agree with the Customer on the activities to be undertaken.
ART 15. Refunds
15.1The right to reimbursement pursuant to article 59 points c, n of the Consumer Code is excluded
of a highly personalized service. For more information, contact the toll-free number.
ART 16. Behavior on board
16.1Pursuant to the Navigation Code and in compliance with further national provisions ed
applicable to air transport, the flight Captain is in command of the aircraft
and is authorized to take all measures necessary for flight safety. All the
persons on board the aircraft are required to comply with the instructions of the flight Captain.
The flight Captain is also authorized to take all measures deemed necessary
towards Clients whose behaviour, physical and/or mental state are deemed dangerous for
flight safety. The Customer is responsible for all damages caused by his own
behavior to AC and/or third parties.
16.2If the Customer on board the aircraft:
jeopardize flight safety;
disturb the other Clients and the crew or otherwise behave in such a way as to cause them harm
cause damage to the aircraft, people or things transported;
hinder the crew in carrying out their duties;
fail to observe the instructions of the crew regarding correct behavior on board or
compliance with the procedures, it may be subjected to the necessary measures to prevent or
limit such behaviour, including any coercive measures within the limits of the
provisions of the law, as well as disembarkation or refusal to embark or to continue the
16.3The Customer undertakes to comply with the instructions given by AC, which, for safety reasons
of the flight, prohibit or limit the use of electronic devices on board the aircraft, such as, by way of
for example, cell phones, laptop computers, portable tape recorders, radio sets
laptops, CD players, electronic games; transceiver apparatus, including toys, tele o
radio-controlled, and walkie-talkies.
The above with the exception of medical appliances or devices such as acoustic, cardiac
or respirators essential for the health of the Customer, of which the same must in any case ascertain
suitability for transport in advance by calling the toll-free number.
16.4Smoking is not permitted on all AC aircraft. Violation of this prohibition will result
the payment of the penalties provided for by law, without prejudice to the right of AC to act for the
compensation for damages suffered. The ban on smoking on board aircraft also extends to cigarettes
ART 17. Administrative formalities
17.1The use of the Services by the Customer is subject to a series of regulatory provisions e
regulatory. Failure to comply with these provisions may make it impossible for the Customer to
use the transport service.
7.2The Customer must obtain the necessary travel documents and observe laws, regulations, orders,
prescriptions and conditions issued by the State of departure, destination or transit, and, therefore, not
will be entitled to any compensation or reimbursement from AC for the consequences deriving from the failure e
from the forgery of such documents or visas or from the violation of such laws, regulations, orders,
requirements and conditions.
17.3The Customer is required to reimburse AC for all sums paid or deposited in any case and all
expenses incurred due to the lack, unsuitability or falsity of the requested documents or
failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, prescriptions and conditions issued by the State
of departure, destination or transit. AC may use any other sum for such payments
paid to it by the Customer for transports not yet performed or for any other reason. The customer yes
undertakes to show AC all the documents required by laws, regulations, orders and prescriptions in force
in the States of departure, transit and destination, ensuring that they are in order.
The Customer who is not provided with the aforementioned documentation or who exhibits documents that are not
rule will lose the right to transport.
17.4The Customer allows AC to make a copy of the aforementioned documents for fulfillment purposes
related to national and international legislation. In this regard, AC ensures that the treatment
of the data contained therein will take place in compliance with the legislation on the protection of privacy.
17.5In all cases of refusal of entry into a State, the Customer will be required to reimburse AC each
fine or other pecuniary sanction that may be imposed, as well as expenses and costs in any case
incurred as a result of denied entry. In any case, the Customer will not be entitled to a refund of
amount paid for transport to the place of refusal of entry or expulsion.
17.6The Customer is required to submit to all ordinary security checks lawfully carried out
by the competent Authorities, by other authorized subjects or by CA. The Customer must also consent
that inspections be carried out on your person and your baggage by Customs Authorities,
as well as other Public Authorities or competent subjects, also at the request of AC, when this is the case
motivated by objective safety reasons, within the limits of compliance with applicable laws.
The refusal of inspections prescribed by laws, regulations or safety reasons may determine the
failure to use the air transport service.
ART 18. Limits of liability
18.1The aircraft will be provided with the following insurance coverage for flight risks, with policy
issued by a leading insurance company, in addition to the provisions of current applicable legislation
on the subject: Combined Civil Liability, including RCT and RCV.
ART 19. Alternative dispute resolution - Platform for online dispute resolution (ODR)
AC informs Customers/Consumers that a European resolution platform has been set up
online consumer disputes relating to goods and services purchased online in the Union
European (so-called ODR platform). The ODR platform can be consulted at the following
address http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Through the ODR platform i
passengers/consumers will be able to consult the list of ADR bodies, find the link to the
each of them and propose to initiate an online dispute resolution procedure.
ART 20. Modifications and waivers
These GTC cannot be modified, replaced, canceled by any agent,
AC employee or manager.
No clause of these GTC can be interpreted as a derogation from the obligations
possibly required by law to be paid by the company.
ART 21. Collection and processing of personal data
AC, in its capacity as data controller, collects, processes and uses the Customer's personal data
for purposes of performing the Services.
AC processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the legislation referred to in EU Reg. 2016/679 (of
hereinafter "GDPR") and Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003 No. 196 and subsequent amendments.
Due to the processing activities carried out by AC, the Data Controller has deemed
necessary to designate, pursuant to art. 37 of the European Regulation, a Protection Manager
of data (DPO).
AC guarantees that the processing of personal data, however acquired, is carried out in compliance with the
fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the interested party, with particular reference
to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to the protection of personal data.
These data are collected, processed and used, mainly through automated systems,
exclusively for the aforementioned purposes and may be shared by AC with the Managers of the
treatment pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR.
Furthermore, AC may transmit the Customer's personal data to the competent authorities and/or agencies
government, both national and foreign, if they request it in accordance with the regulations
applicable and the transmission is therefore necessary for the performance of the Services.
For the purposes of the execution of the Services and any ancillary services, they may also be processed
"special categories of personal data" (such as data relating to health) as defined pursuant to
of the art. 9 of the GDPR.
Such data may be processed in cases where the Customer has requested, for example,
specific medical assistance to AC and/or to an airport operator, or has otherwise chosen
to provide AC or any third party (for example, the travel agent through whom you made your
booking) such information.
Providing personal information that is or could be considered "principal data" within the meaning of
of the art. 9 GDPR, the Customer authorizes AC to collect, process, use, share with third parties and
transfer, including outside the European Economic Area (EEA), such personal information.
In the event that the passenger does not authorize or withdraws his consent to the processing of such data,
AC may not be able to provide all or part of the services requested by the Customer.
Pursuant to (EU) Regulation no. 996/2010, the Customer, at the time of booking or during the
process of purchasing the Service, has the right to communicate to AC the name, telephone number and
the e-mail address of a third person who can be contacted in the event of an accident
These data will be processed exclusively for the aforementioned purpose and will not be disclosed to
third parties, nor used for commercial purposes.
AC Customers may contact the Data Controller of personal data in order to assert
their rights pursuant to the Regulation by sending a communication to the registered office of
Monza (MB), Via Valosa di sopra 9, or to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) by addressing a
communication to the AC Data Protection Officer.
Further information regarding the processing of personal data can be consulted on the Website
of AC in the Privacy section.
ART 22. Right of withdrawal
The customer has no right to withdraw pursuant to Article 59 of the Consumer Code points c, n.
Pursuant to articles 1341, c. 2 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the User declares to have read and to specifically accept the
following articles of these General Conditions.